Adapting the census mapping application to use INEGI’s data for Mexico

INEGI, the Mexican institute for national statistics and geography, place large quantities of data in the public domain. Geographical data is now provided through an efficient map server. However most socio economic data is only available directly in the form of Excel spreadsheets from the descarga masiva site. These data vary in quality but…

Using street view for research

In my previous post I noted that the fact that the global deforesation map produced by Hansen et al has been placed on an interactive portal equipped with streetview and high resolution background imagery allows anyone to validate the results. One way the web portal could be enhanced would be to provide tools that allow…

Accuracy of Landsat derived deforestation maps

I have received a number of comments from colleagues working in Mexico and Central America regarding the accuracy, or lack thereof, of Hansen et al’s recently published deforestation map. Many of the comments regard the timing of deforestation. Pixels shown as recently deforested were often regarded by those with ground based knowledge as having been…

Quick analysis of forest fragmentation using the new global deforestation map

In my last post I looked at some general patterns of deforestation in Central America as shown by the recent publication by Mathew Hansen and collaborators. The data are available for interactive browsing here. The layers have been made public, and the authors anticipate widespread use of the information. However it will not…

New high resolution global forest change map 1

This week saw the publication of what may turn out to be one of the most influential products derived from processing Landsat imagery. Mathew Hansen of Maryland University and colleagues, including researchers working for Google, have pieced together a fascinating map of global deforestation over the last decade using the 28.5m pixel resolution imagery.…

Ten fold speed up using PostGIS2.1.SVN

One of the tasks that is commonly used in most spatial analysis at some point involves obtaining zonal statistics from a vector on raster overlay. This has always been rather inelegant using GRASS or Arc as it involves several steps. A PostGIS raster query simplifies the work flow. However in some cases my queries were…

Building more informative climate layers for species distribution modelling

The Worldclim data set is a fantastic resource for species distribution modelling. Not only does it include quality controlled monthly temperatures (minimum and maximum) and precipitation data but it also provides 16 derived bioclimatic layers that are designed to be universally applicable and interpretable. These layers are quite simple functions of the original data and…

Importing Modis fire pixels into PostGIS

Modis data are “big data” in every respect. Both the temporal and spatial extent of the information obtained from Modis makes data processing rather challenging. A quick overview of the Modis QuickFire data can be obtained by running the following code in R. A complete archive of all pixels recorded as having possible fire activity…

PostGIS en la “nube”

Los que asitieron en el curso de bases de datos especiales en Ecosur vieron unos ejemplos de analisis con capas espaciales que estan basicamente libre y en el dominio publico (con la sola restricción de registrarte como usuario con el Conabio y el GBIF. HAY QUE HACERLO ANTES DE USAR EL VINCULO A LOS DATOS…

Comparing WorldClim with local climate data

Species distribution models now tend to use Worldclim layers by default, especially in tropical areas where historical climate datat is either sparse or unreliable. However in Mexico the CNA does provide a fairly good archive of data that can be used to derive the worldclim layers. How do the two compare? Looking just at precipitation…

Reformateando datos de Clicom con AWK

El comisión nacional de agua (CNA) de Mexico tradionalmente mantuvo los datos climatalogicos en un herramienta informatica llamado “CLicom”. Todavia se encuentran datos en este formato anticuado. La exportación de Clicom produce tablas de esta forma. ¡Este no es facil de entrar en PostGIS! Pero el formato es consistente. Siempre cuando se trata de datos…

Building utility functions in PostGIS

We want the data that we place in our PostGIS database to be easily extracted by students and technical staff with limited knowledge of spatial SQL. Some queries, particularly those involving raster data can be very daunting. We could try to use a mapserver or build queries for each user. However we would like to…

Curso de PostGIS en Ecosur

Acabo de dar un curso introductorio al uso de bases de datos espaciales. La materia no es muy acabada y consiste en anotaciones puesto encima de “screenshots. Espero que muestra la utilidad de PostGIS para la investigación. Los tutoriales aqui son mas relevantes a los que tienen acceso a la base de datos institucional que…

Vector raster overlays in PostGIS 2

Another very common operation using both raster and vector data involves extracting statistics from the raster that falls within a buffer around points. The method shown yesterday can be used to obtain mean values from numerical values. Extracting the percentage of the buffer that consists of each category of a categorical raster requires a slightly…